Just Another Joke Page

Jokes and Jokes

"Your honor, I understand I'm on trial for a murder that happened 10 years ago. I'll admit, I have memories of committing the murder. Will you punish me though for something that happened so long ago? How can you be so sure I'm even the same guy? So much can change in 10 years. Look, when I was a teenager, 20 years ago, I put fireworks in a neighbor's mailbox. It exploded, and they never found out I was the culprit. Consequently, I never paid damages. But you wouldn't drag me into court today to charge me for the reckless behavior of a teenager, would you? I've changed so much since then! I mean, I killed a guy."

Funny Paper Titles

  • Schrodinger's Can't: What Quantum mechanics says about 'ought implies can'
  • Barcan up the Wrong Tree: Vindicating Quine's Objections to Ruth Barcan-Marcus's Quantified Modal Logic
  • Oh, the Humeanity! Justice as Bareness
  • Being Clever Only Gets You So Far: Notes on Zeno's Paradox(es)
  • The Anti-Disetablishmentanglement Problem: The Meta-Ethical Entanglements We Weave

Funny Instructor-Student Interactions

Instructor: "So, what are your thoughts?" *to student in last row*
Student: "Who? Me?"
Instructor: "No, no, the girl behind you."
Student: *turns only to be confronted with the wall*
Instructor: "Never mind, she looks busy. I'll let you answer for her."

Student: "But sarcasm is one of my many talents." *after being reprimanded for excessive sarcasm*
Instructor: "So you don't have any other talents then?"

Student: "Can you give an example of equivocation 'on the fly'?"                                                                                                                Instructor: "'On the fly' you say? Sure thing. (i) Mathematicians work with planes; (ii) Planes work with jet fuel; (iii) Therefore, Mathematicians work with jet fuel."