BFO-CCO Office Hours
BFO-CCO Office Hours
Given the growing importance of Basic Formal Ontology and the Common Core Ontologies suite, in defense and intelligence, biology and medicine, as well as service and manufacturing, there is a need for transparency concerning the development and maintenance of these artifacts.
With this in mind, the lead developers of BFO and CCO will hold biweekly "office hours" for stakeholders with questions, concerns, comments, or compliments regarding these standards. These office hours will be stakeholder-led, in that discussion during these one hour sessions will be driven by stakeholders attending the meetings.
When: Biweekly on Fridays, starting May 31st 2024, 11am - 12pm
Where: Virtual Meetings on Teams
If you are interested in joining one or more office hours, please contact John Beverley at johnbeve[@] You will be provided a Teams invite for the scheduled time.
In addition to the biweekly office hours, there is an associated Slack channel for the group where stakeholders may continue conversation with the BFO and CCO leads. As above, please contact John Beverley at johnbeve[@] to be added to the BFO-CCO Office House Slack channel.
As stakeholder questions are addressed, we will also establish an "FAQ" where stakeholders will be directed for vetted answers to commonly posed questions.